Be warned, this is long. J
Most of these were posted to FB at some point during the year, but there are a
few new ones. She is growing, learning and changing so fast. I know I haven’t
recorded a fraction of her moments. We are amazed at how well she speaks for a
not quite two year old. Most of her words are clear without dropping syllables,
with a few exceptions like she says “hungee” for hungry, and says “’sic” for music.
For quite a while she has been folding her hands to pray for
meals. Sometimes if she really likes something she’ll do it multiple times
during the meal. J Lately,
she has mumbled words that we haven’t been able to catch when we are praying. We
recently got her a book about Daniel and the lion’s den. She likes to hear it every
day and always points out when Daniel is praying as well as the puppy and
kitten on some of the pages.
This morning, after Hubby left for work, she decided she was
still hungry so we sat back at the table with some grapes. I wasn’t really paying
attention to her but was reading my ereader, when I hear “help mommy, help
mommy”. I turned around and she was sitting with her head bowed and hands
folded repeating over and over “help mommy…snack…grapes…help mommy, help mommy”
and other words I couldn’t identify. She then looked up at me saying “I praying
Mommy, I praying.” Before bed when her Daddy prays with her he has been asking
for a safe delivery of baby brother. Last night we saw my parents and my Dad
prayed about that during his prayer for the food. I guess she’s been listening!
About three weeks ago, Hubby was holding Princess while
asking me a question in which he used my name. Princess looked up at him and
then over at me and you could see the realization that Mommy had another name.
She then called me her version of my name. She’s been doing that at least once every
day since. At first we corrected her, but now when she says it I just ignore
her until she calls me Mommy.
A few days before that, Hubby was getting ready to head to
work, so he was holding Princess for a few minutes. She grabbed him by the
shoulders and attempted to manhandle him into his recliner, all the while
saying something about staying here. He decided to humor her and sat down. She
immediately patted his cheek and said “good boy!”
I think this happened the first part of August. I put her
down for a nap and she started screaming and having a really hard time. This
was not like her at all, so after a few minutes I went into her room, picked
her up and sat in the rocker. She was so worked up that she was shaking and had
a hitch in her breathing. After rocking her for a few minutes the baby started
moving around. She had her hand on my belly and started patting it. A couple
minutes later she looks up and says “brother kick me, brother kicking me.” He
had now stopped moving, and she spent the next few minutes patting my tummy and
telling him to kick! I told her he was probably taking a nap and maybe he’d be
ready to kick her again after she got up from her nap. She didn’t seem enthused
about this, but did allow me to put her back in bed for her nap.
Other sayings and doings:
Sept 8, 2013
On the way home from Church Princess would ask for and then
give back her paci to me. After the third round in three blocks, somewhat
exasperatedly, I asked her if she was ever going to make up her mind about
wanting the paci or not. Her reply: “NO, yes!” She then kept it the rest of the
way home.
Sept 2, 2013
So, I'm sitting here at
my computer and I hear "Mama I sit in box!" I turned around and found
Princess sitting in an old diaper box. After dragging the box all over the room
she comes back to my chair and climbs back into the box.
Me: Do you need
kisses & hugs Princess?
Princess: No, I sit
in box!
Aug 29, 2013
So, Princess has been
saying "yeah" for yes, affirmative responses for awhile. Last week we
saw my parents a couple times and Mom was asking her if she could say
"yes" instead. On Monday, Princess started saying "yeah,
YES....", then on Wed she started saying "Yes, dear" and Yes,
sir". Not sure where she got that especially the sir!!
Aug 23, 2013
This morning at the
breakfast table...
Princess: Want meet
baby now!!
My sister: Did she
say that she wants to meet the baby??
Me: I think so.
Princess: Meet baby
Hubby: I know it's hard, but we
need to wait a little longer for brother to be ready to meet you.
Me: Yeah, at least
10 sleeps, though 14 or more would be better.
Hubby: You say that
to someone who has no idea how long that is. She doesn't understand more than
My sister: Well she
might know up to six, because she knows when one of her bears are missing.
Me: She isn't
counting them; she just knows she's missing one because she knows which ones
she has.
June 24, 2013
So Princess has been
doing some really cute things lately. Here are a few of them:
She was playing
with her pop up toy, stopped to get a drink and then put the straw up to each
animal while saying "Dink, Dink", then she took another drink and
offered it to me before again offering it to the animals!
This afternoon she lay
on the floor with a bear, got up and put the bear on a folded sheet (that she'd
taken from the couch). Walked away for a minute, then returned, pointed at the
bear and ordered "NAP, NAP"! ... I asked her if the bear was supposed
to be taking a nap. She replied, with a resigned voice "yeah, nap!!"…Guess
I know now what she thinks I sound like! J
Mar 24, 2013 (from Hubby’s
At McDonald's today for
lunch, Princess was picking up the fries and handing them to me one by one so
that I could eat them. I made the comment that Mommy wanted some fries too. She
immediately snatched the fry she had just handed to me and handed it to Mommy instead.
Mar 20, 2013 (From Hubby)
HoneyBee: I think that I
am losing my mind.
Me: Don't worry, if
you lose it Princess and I will help you find it. Princess can you find Mommy's
Princess thinks for
a while, runs off, and comes back holding a pot holder. She show's it to mommy
before hiding it behind her back saying "mine, mine, mine." Oh well,
so much for getting our mind back when it is gone. J
Jan 23, 2013
Yesterday was a big day
for Princess. First she conquered the slide at the play place ALL BY HERSELF!!!
I had looked away for a minute and when I looked back she was heading down the
slide backwards on her tummy...apparently this is the only way to do it! Later,
she decided that she could handle our steps too. She crawled up them over and
over with Daddy following so that he could take her back down the steps to
start over.